Elegant & Timeless Painting
Explore our vast collection of completed projects from over the years and get ready to be inspired! At West Side Painting, we take pride in bringing your ideas to life, and we can't wait to do the same for your next project. Browse through our impressive portfolio and discover the endless possibilities that await you.
Interior luxury painting
Interior luxury painting
Lanai wood varnish
Lanai wood varnish
Wood siding varnish
Wood siding varnish
Teak wood finishing
Teak wood finishing
Glass sliding doors
Glass sliding doors
Wood siding varnish
Wood siding varnish
Exterior varnish work
Exterior varnish work
Entry wood varnish
Entry wood varnish
Wood varnish
Wood varnish
Garage Door Varnish
Garage Door Varnish
Garage doors strip and varnish
Garage doors strip and varnish
Interior woodwork
Interior woodwork
Kaiser Permanente
Kaiser Permanente
White kitchen cabinets
White kitchen cabinets
White kitchen
White kitchen
Off white kitchen cabinets
Off white kitchen cabinets
Custom glazed cabinets
Custom glazed cabinets
Restoration Hardware match
Restoration Hardware match
Cabinet finishing
Cabinet finishing